Road Safety Week 20th - 24th November

We are celebrating Road Safety Week at St. Bede's all week!

In the UK speeding is still a major problem. It causes needless crashes, untold suffering and stops people living safe and healthy lives.

Driving is unpredictable and if something unexpected happens on the road ahead – such as a child stepping out from between parked cars – it is a driver’s speed that will determine whether they can stop in time and, if they can’t stop, how hard they will hit.

Yet newer vehicles are more powerful than ever before and reach high speeds quickly. Driving fast is glamorised and often encouraged by programmes and adverts that worship the cult of the car. We all live busy lives and there is a temptation to speed up in the hope of saving time, where in fact we could be costing lives.

That is why we are encouraging everyone to Speed Down Save Lives for Road Safety Week 2017 (20-26 November).

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