The St. Bede's Catholic Junior School Curriculum
(Please click HERE to view our Curriculum Maps)
At St. Bede’s Catholic Junior School we believe that teaching and learning should be relevant to the children in our care and should not only meet the requirements of National Curriculum but should also be exciting and enjoyable. The curriculum is at the heart of the school’s strategies to raise achievement and improve outcomes for all children. It is dynamic, adaptable, evolving and a vital part of the drive for on-going school improvement. The curriculum at St. Bede’s has been designed to prepare children for the opportunities and challenges they face in the 21st century; ensuring children are fully equipped to embrace a rapidly changing world. The significance of the curriculum and the way it is taught is crucial to the development of the child as a learner. We strive to ensure that the curriculum engages, enthuses, enriches, enlivens, motivates the child and develops in each child curiosity and excitement about the world. We aim to embed these attitudes through the curriculum as they are essential in learning for life whilst motivating and developing curiosity and excitement for life-long learning for each child for the world in which they live.
Our curriculum:
is underpinned by aims, values and purpose;
develops the whole child: knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes;
is broad, balanced and has clear progression in subject knowledge and skills;
is filled with rich first-hand purposeful experiences;
is flexible and responsive to pupils'needs and interests;
embeds the principle of sustainability;
has an eye on the future and the needs of future citizens;
encourages the use of environment and expertise beyond the classroom;
makes meaningful links between knowledge across the curriculum and current events and local, national and world issues;
has a local, national and international dimension.
To further support parents and other members of our school community in finding out more information about the curriculum our school is following, please view the attached documents below and pay a visit the Curriculum tab. Here, you will find information from Subject Leaders and links to websites that we subscribe to. Parents / carers and children can use these interactive resources outside of school to further enhance learning in the curriculum. We promote inclusion and accessibilty in all curriculum areas. Please visit our Equality tab by following this LINK to find more information and this LINK for our SEND page.