

Miss L Lapping - Subject Leader

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At St. Bede’s Catholic Junior School, all students are encouraged to participate fully in the musical life of the school so that they show an increase in self-confidence and a sense of achievement. At our school we intend that children should master Music to such an extent that they can go on to have careers within music and make use of music effectively in their everyday lives.

In terms of the children’s future lives and careers, not only does music teach skills such as teamwork, responsible risk-taking, discipline, problem-solving and coordination, it also prepares students for the 21st century workforce. The new economy has created more artistic careers, and these jobs may grow faster than others in the future.

Our children will be taught Music in a way that ensures progression of skills, and follows a sequence to build on previous learning. Our children will gain experience and skills of a wide range of dimensions of music in a way that will enhance their learning opportunities, enabling them to use music in a wide variety of contexts, ensuring they make progress.



Music forms an essential element of the religious life and worship in our school, helping to develop a sense of awe and wonder. Children partake in ‘Rejoice in Song’ each week as well as singing in Collective Worships and class assemblies. The school choir lead the singing during Rejoice in Song.

We follow a broad and balanced music curriculum that builds on previous learning and provides both support and challenge for learners. We follow the Kapow Primary music scheme which ensures clear progression of skills.

Kapow Primary offers full coverage of the curriculum. The content is categorised into four strands: performing, listening, composing and the history of music. Clear cross-curricular links are identified across the curriculum overview.

All classes have a scheduled music lesson each week which is taught by the class teachers. We want to ensure that music is embedded in our whole school curriculum and that opportunities for enhancing learning by using music are always taken.

Children are encouraged to comment upon their own progress through the use of knowledge organisers for each topic area.

Teachers assess children continuously in all areas of music. The main resources for the assessment of pupils are the collection of recordings made during the school year and workbooks which provide evidence of the progress and wide range of activities that the children undertake. Kapow Primary provides an assessment framework which is accessed by all staff at the end of each unit. The subject leader collates the assessment at the end of each term to be reported to the governing body.

Weekly instrumental (guitar/ukelele and piano) and vocal lessons are provided by peripatetic teachers. These are conducted in the afternoon in either individual or small group settings. The cost of these are covered by parents/ carers. Children who receive instrumental tuition from peripatetic staff receive regular reports on progress from their instrumental tutors.

We work with outside agencies to gather specialist knowledge and to allow children to build real life experiences which can be applied in their everyday lives. We have a strong relationship with the local Music Hub who provide whole class projects (such as African Drumming) throughout the academic year.

Children are encouraged to partake in live performances to authenticate their learning. A Christmas Production is held in the autumn term and the Arts festival takes place in the summer term. Children participate based on extra-curricular clubs (Speech Choir, Dance, Choir etc.).

Throughout their time at St. Bede’s, children are given the opportunity to watch live musicians on several occasions. This may include assemblies, pantomimes, school trips and theatre visits.

The subject leader carefully monitors music to ensure high standards and expectations from staff at all times. This allows identification of ways forward and any CPD which needs to be addressed with teaching staff.



Our children enjoy and value music and know why they are doing things, not just how. Children will understand and appreciate the value of music in the context of their personal wellbeing and the creative and cultural industries and their many career opportunities.

Children’s knowledge, skills, understanding and progress, as well as their engagement with learning, will be measured using a range of strategies throughout the school year.

Progress in music will be demonstrated through regularly reviewing and scrutinising of children’s work in accordance with our music policy to ensure that progression of skills is taking place. Namely through:

· Looking at pupils’ work (music books, audio recordings and video recordings), especially over time as they gain skills and knowledge.

· Observing how they perform in lessons during learning walks.

· Talking to them about what they know (pupil voice questionnaires).

The Music curriculum will contribute to children’s personal development in creativity, independence, judgement and self-reflection. This would be seen in them being able to talk confidently about their work, and sharing their work with others. They should be able to discuss career opportunities within music.

If you have any questions about Music at St. Bede's, please email [email protected] 



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