Our Governing Body


Governors have an important part to play in raising school standards. The role of the governing board is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school.

School governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. Each individual governor is a member of a Governing Body, which is established in law as a corporate body. 

The role of the Governing Body is a strategic one. Its key functions are to:

  • set the aims and objectives for the school

  • set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives

  • set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives

  • monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives

  • be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend)

The headteacher is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school and the implementation of the strategic framework established by the Governing Body.  The Governing Body meet twice per term. 

Our Governoring Body

Governor Type Current Office term Duties & Responsibilities
Paul Owen Foundation 06/07/2024 - 05/07/2028

Chair of Full Governing Body (FGB)

Chair of Finance & Resource Committee.

Chair of Headteacher's Performance Review Panel.

Designated Governor for:

  • Child Protection
  • Safer Recruitment & Safeguarding.
Safer Recruitment Trained.
Julie Rourke Foundation 16/03/2023 – 15/03/27

Vice Chair to FGB.

Clerk to Headteacher’s Performance Review Panel.

Member of Finance & Resource Committee.

Designated Governor for:

  • Religious Education
  • Relationships & Sex Education
  • Staff Mental Health & Wellbeing.
Safer Recruitment Trained.
Anthony Hurst Foundation

01/09/2024 – 31/08/2028

Member of Full Governing Body

Denise Parker Foundation

16/05/2022 – 15/05/2026

Designated Governor of SEND

Mary Wynne Foundation

16/05/2022 – 15/05/2026

Member of Finance & Resources Committee

Matthew Baker


25/09/2024 - 24/9/2028 Member of Full Governing Body
Colette Handley Parent

23/01/2023- 22/01/2027

Member of Full Governing Body
Faith Tiernan Headteacher

While in Post

Designated Governor for Educational Visits.

Designated Governor for Staff Mental Health & Wellbeing.
Lesley Harrington Staff

01/09/2022 – 31/08/2026

Designated Governor for Governor Training & Development.
Victoria Holden Foundation

05/12/2023 - 04/12/2027

Member of Full Governing Body

Sandra Baker

L A Governor 25/10/2023 - 24/10/2027 Member of Full Governing Body

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