Our Catholic Ethos

The Catholic life of our school centres around fostering a community grounded in faith, values, and service.  Christ is at the Centre and Children at the Heart of all that we do. 

Catholic Life

The centrality and efficacy of our Mission Statement ensure that Christ is at the centre of our daily mission and that children are at the heart of all our decisions. This mission statement clearly expresses the broader mission of the Church in education. At St. Bede’s Catholic Junior School, our strong Catholic identity is manifest in our outstanding learning environment, sacred spaces, chaplaincy, and community cohesion. These elements are visible to all members and visitors who are welcomed into our school. We offer quality pastoral care to all community members.

Children are taught to live out Gospel values of truth, forgiveness, generosity, justice, service, and love, which contribute to a harmonious community of mutual respect. Everyone is encouraged to be a ‘Disciple of Love’ and is fully committed to the Catholic Life of the school. St. Bede’s Catholic Junior School is an inclusive and prayerful community dedicated to the Church's social teaching. Spiritual and moral education is informed by Catholic Social Teaching, emphasising the dignity of the human person and care for our common home, and these principles are evident across the whole curriculum. Living ‘life to the full’ is the central tenet of our approach.

Religious Education

Pupils enthusiastically enjoy their learning in Religious Education and engage well in lessons. The quality of pupils’ work is outstanding because St. Bede’s pupils take great pride in their presentation and want to celebrate their work with others. They can reflect spiritually, think ethically, and are aware of the demands of religious commitment in everyday life. They actively seek to improve their knowledge, understanding, and skills, striving to become religiously literate young people.

Opportunities are given to pupils to assess their progress and achievement, providing them with a clear understanding of their next steps. Lesson planning is linked to current assessments of pupils' prior learning and is adapted to consolidate, build, and extend learning; consequently, all pupils make progress, and attainment in Religious Education reflects standards in other core subjects. Through mastery of the subject and high expectations for all, teachers inspire pupils to fulfil their full potential. Teachers encourage both independent and collaborative learning, question effectively, and provide effective ‘live’ feedback. A rigorous process of self-evaluation identifies appropriate targets for future development. Due to the high standards in Religious Education, staff and pupils are ready to engage with the new Religious Education Directory.

Prayer, Celebration of the Word, and Liturgy

The centrality, quality, and variety of Prayer, Celebration of the Word, and Liturgy opportunities experienced at St. Bede’s Catholic Junior School are outstanding – they form the heart of every school celebration. Praying together is part of the daily experience for all pupils and staff. The pupils develop spirituality through acts of worship that reflect the Catholic character of the school. While actively participating in Prayer, Celebration of the Word, and Liturgy, pupils demonstrate reverence and respect. They are given opportunities to plan, organise, and lead worship as well as participate.

During their time in school, pupils experience a rich variety of prayer styles, including both traditional and contemporary approaches, along with common prayers and liturgical songs. Staff are skilled in planning, leading, and evaluating worship, and they effectively impart this skill to the pupils. Newer staff members are supported by experienced Catholic staff. Prayer, Celebration of the Word, and Liturgy contribute to the spiritual and moral development of pupils. These activities have a clear purpose and direction. The themes chosen for worship reflect a deep understanding of the Church’s liturgical year, seasons, and feasts, ensuring that pupils have high-quality experiences of the Church’s liturgical life.   

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