Health and Wellbeing
At St. Bede's Catholic Junior School, we aim to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for our whole school community (children, staff, parents/ carers), and recognise how important mental health and emotional wellbeing is to our lives in just the same way as physical health.
As part of the St. Bede's family we are always here to support you during difficult times.
As soon as you notice a problem, we recommend contacting the school to discuss your concerns. Mrs Tiernan, Mrs Geoghegan, Mrs Harrington and Mrs Lloyd-Green are available to offer support or direct you to the right teams within Halton.
Please find a list of services, both locally and nationally, who can also offer support:
Mental Health Crisis Line (children, young people and adults). Telephone: 0800 051 1508
Halton Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). Telephone: 01928 568 162
Halton Child Bereavement UK. Telephone: 01928 577 164
Halton Health Improvement Team. Fit 4 Life Bitesize Sessions.
Young Minds Parent Helpline.
Halton Young Carers.
ADDvanced Solutions (Neurodevelopmental conditions and associated mental health needs). Email: [email protected] or telephone: 0151 486 1788.
Halton Mental Health Information Point.
Parenting Support - Solihull Approach - Free Online Courses
As part of the launch of family Hubs, Halton Borough Council have purchased the Solihull Approach Multi-User License which means that every resident in Halton can access evidenced-based online courses for life for FREE!
There are lots of courses to choose from, you can do them all or choose which one's are most relevant to your situation. Once registered, you have free lifetime access so you can work through the programmes as your child/ ren grow.
Simply go to and enter the access code: TOGETHER
Executive Functionin Skills Support
After speaking to a number of parents/ carers about difficulties with getting children 'up and out' in the morning, we have added some useful links with information and strategies to help with organisation and routines.
Further Wellbeing Support